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Advantages and disadvantages of electric double layer capacitors

2019-08-15 |


1, long life, a little degraded hundreds of thousands of charge cycles. Since the high number of capacitor charge and discharge cycles (millions or more compared to 200 to 1000 most commercially available rechargeable batteries) will continue for the entire life cycle of most devices, this makes environmentally friendly equipment. Rechargeable batteries are usually worn for a few years, and their high-activity chemical electrolytes present handling and safety hazards. You can only charge for a favorable condition, an ideal speed, and optimize battery life as little as possible for some chemicals. The electric double layer capacitor is combined with the battery as a charge regulation, storing energy load balancing from other sources for the purpose, and then using a rechargeable battery, at the appropriate time, any excess energy can help.

2. The cost per cycle is low.

3. Good reversibility.

4, a simple charging method, not fully charged detection is necessary, there is no danger of overcharging.

5. The charging and discharging rates are very high.

6. Improved safety, non-corrosive electrolytes and low toxicity materials.


1. Very low internal resistance - allowing extremely fast discharge. When shorted, it is more dangerous than any other type of capacitor or electrochemical battery.

2. The highest dielectric absorption of any type of capacitor.

3, high self-discharge rate - greatly higher than the electrochemical battery.

4. The maximum voltage is low - a series connection is required to obtain a higher voltage, which may require voltage balancing.

5. Compared with electrochemical cells, electric double layer capacitors (including other types of capacitors) will significantly decrease with the release voltage of energy. Its charging and discharging requires complex electronic control and switching equipment, which in turn leads to energy loss.