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Button supercapacitor classification method and precautions

2019-08-15 |

At present, in order to adapt to the different needs of various industries, button supercapacitors have been invented, can be applied to a wider range of fields, and can be flexibly used in a relatively small environment.

For supercapacitors, there are different classification methods depending on the content.

First, according to different energy storage mechanisms, supercapacitors can be divided into two categories: electric double layer capacitors and Faraday quasi capacitors. Among them, the electric double layer capacitor mainly generates adsorption energy by adsorbing on the surface of the electrode by pure electrostatic charge. Faraday quasi-capacitors mainly generate Faraday quasi-capacitance by reversible redox reaction on the surface and near the surface of Faraday quasi-capacitor active electrode materials (such as transition metal oxides and high molecular polymers), thereby realizing energy storage and conversion.

Secondly, depending on the type of electrolyte, it can be divided into two categories: water-based supercapacitors and organic supercapacitors.

In addition, depending on whether the types of active materials are the same, they can be classified into symmetric supercapacitors and asymmetric supercapacitors.

Finally, according to the state form of the electrolyte, the supercapacitor can be divided into two categories: a solid electrolyte supercapacitor and a liquid electrolyte supercapacitor.

Precautions for use:

1. After the capacitor is soldered, the circuit board and capacitors need to be cleaned because some impurities may cause the capacitor to be short-circuited.

2. In the process of using supercapacitors, other problems in application should be consulted or consulted with the relevant technical data of the supercapacitor instructions.

3. When the supercapacitors are used in series, there is a voltage equalization problem between the cells. A simple series connection may cause overvoltage of one or several of the individual capacitors, thereby damaging the capacitors, and the overall performance is affected, so when the capacitors are used in series , need to get the technical support of the manufacturer.

4. Avoid overheating the capacitor during the soldering process. If the capacitor is overheated during soldering, the life of the capacitor will be reduced.